Roots of Amateur Radio in Santa Cruz County California
Who were these pioneers who met to form an association of wireless enthusiasts back in February of 1916? Santa Cruz County was certainly not known as a center for technology. Then, as now, tourism and agriculture dominated the economy. Here is what the City Directories of the day tell us.
The Bobby family
lived at 16 Clay Street, Santa Cruz.
The Faneufs
lived at 167 Water Street. The family operated a hardware store at 220 Pacific
Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz.
W. Thomson was an agent for Overland automobiles at 269 Pacific Avenue.
E. Canfield was a real estate and financial broker at 147 Pacific
Avenue. Charles and Lulu Canfield had two Santa Cruz homes listed. The family
business continues in operation today.
A. Reiner was a clerk at the National Bottling Works, 297 Water Street.
Anderson was a student, living at 80 Barson Street, Santa Cruz.
Henry Willey
Company, Inc., was a machine shop located at 53 Pacific Avenue.
William Short lived at 8
Harrison Street in Santa Cruz. Leslie Short
is not listed.
Elmer and Ralph Hazelton lived at 53 Pryce Street, Santa
Sarah Whittle, widow of Thomas
A., lived at 49 Third Street, Santa Cruz. Louis A. and Anna D. Whittle also
lived at 49 Third Street. William Whittle is
not listed separately.
John and Marie Britschgi lived
at 16 Vernon Street, Santa Cruz. Warner Britschgi
is not listed separately. In the early 1930s, the local radio club met above
the Britschgi store on River Street, opposite the St. George Hotel.
H. Thomson, a painter, lived at 44 Clay Street, Santa Cruz.
Then, as now, people from all walks of life pursued the amateur radio
Other Early Day Radio Amateurs in
Santa Cruz County
The date indicates the earliest evidence of activity.
Adrian Anderson SUX Santa Cruz 1909 |
Robert A. Howe W6CHN Santa Cruz 1928 |
Elroy E. Anderson * 6SW Santa Cruz 1913 |
Leslie Hubbard Santa Cruz |
Bales Edgell W6DRU Santa Cruz |
W. Johnson 6CME Santa Cruz 1925 |
George L. Bellinghausen W6AXP Santa Cruz 1928 |
William Johnston W6CME Santa Cruz 1928 |
Dudley Bennett * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Frank Kazmarek W6EMZ Santa Cruz |
Vernon Berlin ** W6JCZ Santa Cruz 1933 |
Joe Lowry, Jr. W6DUO Santa Cruz 1928 |
Charlie Bobby * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Harold Manning * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Warner Britschgi * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Sewell March 6ABM Santa Cruz 1921 |
C. Bruhns 6BTJ Santa Cruz 1925 |
Evan M. Marlin 6EM Capitola 1913 |
Russell Bunch 6BAK Santa Cruz 1925 |
Deloss Martin SDF Santa Cruz 1909 |
John Byrne 6AAU (later WB6DUF) Santa Cruz 1921 |
Clifford K. McCormick 6OW (W6OW) Santa Cruz 1921 |
Carleton Canfield * Santa Cruz 1916 |
De Forest Mocker 6AV Capitola 1913 |
Elvin K. Carroll 6NY Capitola 1913 |
John R. Nakken 6CEI (W6CEI) Santa Cruz 1925 |
Frank L. Chase 6QY (W6EEP) Santa Cruz 1921 |
Rudolf Reiner * 6SG Santa Cruz 1913 |
C. M.Church 6CCE Santa Cruz 1925 |
David Reynolds W6TQP Santa Cruz 1941 |
Fred Clapp W6DSZ Santa Cruz |
F. W. Robison 6AUI Santa Cruz 1925 |
H. H. Coats 6CFI Santa Cruz 1925 |
Irving W. Sawyer 6IS Capitola 1913 |
Clifford Cox * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Harold D. Schmidt 6PJ (W6CUS) Santa Cruz 1921 |
Raymond V. Cress W6BHV Santa Cruz 1928 |
Charles E. Scott W6IFA Santa Cruz |
Lawrence A. Cullam 6CRP (W6CRP) Santa Cruz 1925 |
Leslie Short * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Sydney F. Curtis W6AGW/W6BNC Watsonville 1928 |
J. Wilbur Sinkinson 6BUN (W6BUN) Santa Cruz 1925 |
Frank E. Daubenbiss TX Capitola 1909 |
William A.Slocomb W6CCJ Capitola 1928 |
Alfred S. DeWald 6DW (W6CGR) Felton 1913 |
Robert G. Stewart 6BTP (W6BTP) Santa Cruz 1925 |
Charles Faneuf * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Theodore E. Stowe 6CJ Capitola 1913 |
Forest E.Faneuf 6FL Santa Cruz 1919 |
G. W. Taylor 6COE Santa Cruz 1925 |
Wilber Frapwell * Scotts Valley 1916 |
E. H. Thomson * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Vernon Gebhart W6AOD/W6ASO Santa Cruz 1928 |
Edmund Thomson * Santa Cruz 1916 |
Leonard Gordon W6GFU Santa Cruz 1932 |
George Van Wagner 6GV Santa Cruz 1913 |
F. Grant 6BAY Watsonville 1922 |
Edward A. Wallace 6IG Santa Cruz 1913 |
Earl H. Harris 6DP (W6DP) Santa Cruz 1921 |
William Whittle * Santa Cruz 1916 |
A. H. Hart 6WD Santa Cruz 1921 |
Melvin D. Wilder W6CEH Santa Cruz 1928 |
Arthur A. Hartman W6DXI Aromas 1928 |
Oscar. F. Willey * 6PR Santa Cruz 1921 |
Ralph L. Hazelton * 6IH Santa Cruz 1913 |
NOTE - * Charter member SCCARC (1916)
Club Founding
A Scrapbook
Early Publications
Who was K6BJ?
© 2002 KB6KN