Club Meeting Sep. 15, 2023

Hi everyone.  I am very happy to announce that the speaker at our September
live/zoom hybrid SCCARC meeting will be none other than Don Taylor, K6GHA.
The subject will be entitled “WRTC 2022: Participating in the Olympics of Amateur Radio”.
As many of you know, Don is a very upbeat and interesting voice on the airwaves and his talk should
be interesting and entertaining.  So, please save the date:  Friday, September 15th.

To make things even more interesting, your board of directors has decided that we’ll have
Pizza and Salad available for the live attendees.  Because of this, we will be starting at
7 PM at La Posada to give folks time to find a table, fill your plate and settle in for Don’s
talk which will begin at 7:30–the regular meeting time.

Jerry Lucha W6OJE