Club Meetings, K6BJ Reflector, Membership & Renewal
SCCARC Club Monthly Meetings
The SCCARC Meets at 7:00PM, on the THIRD FRIDAY of the each month (except December).
We also host the traditional zoom meeting at the same time.
Location: La Posada Retirement Community Lounge
609 Frederick St.
Santa Cruz, CA
The entrance is on Frederick Street between Gault and Hanover.
Visitor Parking spaces inside the facility are few but there is
usually adequate on-street parking on Frederick or Gault. Also
the medical facility directly across the street will be empty
Friday evenings and that would be a possibility. Please do not
park in La Posada resident spaces as you could get blocked in by
the assignee and have no way of leaving after the meeting.
We will have a greeter at the entrance and are asked to sign in on
a sign-in sheet once you get into the meeting room.
Below is a map showing the entrance and parking possibilities.

Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club K6BJ is inviting you to a
scheduled Zoom meeting.
QST QST as of 1/15/2025
Below is the zoom link to our club meetings on the 3rd Friday this year.
Except for any changes from our president Ben, KN6NDM, the meetings will
remain hybrid–both in-person at La Posada (details on the k6BJ web page) and
by zoom at the following link:
SCCARC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SCCARC Club meeting Zoom
Time: Jan 17, 2025 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Third Fri, 12 occurrence(s)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 3726 8773
Passcode: 3749
One tap mobile
Welcome to the new K6BJ Reflector!
There are a lot more features and benefits to
Members Group Reflector Information
Mailing List for the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club.
Please limit discussion to ham radio topics.
Click on the link below to subscribe.
SCCARC Group List :
- Started on Nov 25
- Subscribe:
- Help:
SCCARC Membership and Renewal
MEMBERSHIP is open to any and all persons.
Membership dues may be paid securely online using the Donate button, with PayPal or a credit card.
How much to pay:
Full member $20.00
Family members are $5 for each additional member at the same mailing address.
Additional donations are always welcome.
How to pay:
Membership can be paid for via PayPal at the donate button.
Please add a note with your name and call sign to the payment.
Or by making a check to payable to “Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club” and mail it to:
Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club
PO BOX 238
Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0238
INFORMATION about the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club, contact the club secretary at: K6BJ@ARRL.NET SCCARC is organized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(7) Club under the Internal Revenue Code. However, donations to our club are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return.