Board Meeting Nov 5, 2020

Call to order
A special meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club (SCCARC) Board of Directors was
held via Zoom video conference call on November 5, 2020, beginning at 7:32 PM.
Board Members: John, N6QX; Becky, KI6TKB; Richard, K8SQB; David, N6DTA;

Cap, KE6AFE; Allen, WB6RWU; Don, K6GHA

Others: Ron, K6EXT; Karen, KM6SV
Board Members not in attendance None
Approval of minutes
September BOD meeting minutes approved. Ron will post them on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report
Little financial activity. Cash on hand $2,859.21.
No new members.
Email Reflector
126 people on mailing list. 211 total topics. November 25 will be the reflector’s 1-year anniversary.
No changes.
Link from KJ6FFP still down. The problem is at the Watsonville site. K6BJ-2 meters remains fully
functional as a stand-alone repeater. Becky plans to paint the new repeater door Nov. 6.
Old Business
Repeater I/O Panel
No progress. The club will not pursue a complete weather station at the Delaveaga repeater site.
Such a station would be redundant, given the nearby full weather station at KE6AFE.
Public Safety Power Shut-off Preparation Exercise
This ARES-organized repeat exercise is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 8, at Green Acres Elementary
School. No insurance binder was necessary.
ARES Deployment for PSPS Oct, 26 – 28
Teams deployed to a county-selected location in Boulder Creek. Deployment went well, but a lack
of publicity from the county meant few citizens were aware of our service.
Winter Field Day, Jan. 30 – 31, 2021
Decided to cancel due to Covid. We’ll try again in January, 2022.

Support for Hams Who Lost Equipment in the Fire
Don has been working with Sue Worstell, widow of Glen, KG0T, who passed away last March.
Sue wishes to donate Glen’s considerable equipment to hams who lost their gear in the recent
wildfires. Don and Roberta, AJ6KN, have moved much of the gear to storage. Don, in cooperation
with the SLV Amateur Radio Club, will contact recent victims of the fires, including K3RRY,
K6XX, KA6MSA, and KA6SQG, to arrange appropriate equipment donations. The balance of the
gear will be auctioned locally, with proceeds going to an emergency fund held to assist future
disaster victims.
Club Name Badges
Becky will distribute by mail.
New Business
New Comm 2 Van
Robert, KJ6FFP, is looking for a used ambulance.
Holiday Luncheon
The Holiday Luncheon will be virtual. David will poll members to find the best date and time,
with results to be announced at the November general meeting.
Election of Officers
All current officers expressed willingness to continue serving, except John, who is termed out as
Secretary. John will email all members, inviting candidates for all offices to come forward. New
officers will be elected at the November general meeting, November 20.
Standing Committee Assignments
A number of permanent standing committees mandated by our bylaws have been unstaffed. We
agreed that individual board members would serve as the focus of activities related to key
committees, as follows:
Membership Cap, KE6AFE
Repeater John, N6QX
Emergency Services John, N6QX
Program and Entertainment Richard, K8SQB
Newsletter Ron, K6EXT
HF (ad hoc committee) Don, K6GHA
Becky will ask for member volunteers for these activities.
January Meeting
David will survey members for ideas for the year ahead, to be discussed in the January general
meeting. Richard will look for a speaker to discuss logging software, specifically N1MM, which
can be challenging to configure properly.
Meeting adjourned at 9:17PM.
Next Board Meeting
Informal Board discussion with new board members: Jan. 7.
Next formal board meeting: Zoom Conference call, Thursday, Jan. 28 7:30 PM
Richard will set up the Zoom conference.
Minutes by John, N6QX.

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