Board Meeting June 23, 2022

Call to order
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club (SCCARC) Board of Directors was held via Zoom video conference call on 23 June 2022, and was called to order at 7:41 PM
Board Members: Craig N6SBN; David N6DTA; Cap KE6AFE; Gary, K6PDL; Becky KI6TKB
Others: Ron K6EXT;
Board Members not in attendance 
Vince LM5YHE; Vice President seat is vacant

We did not have a formal agenda for this meeting.
1) called to order at 7:32
2) approval of the minutes
Motion Passes

3) Treasurer’s Report:
$5876.19 in the bank.

4) Committee reports
Field day committee:
Setup is tomorrow, Craig has some concerns about station location and they
may get moved.
Lots of volunteers for setup and teardown.
We should do a formal thank you to Roxy. David will look into drafting a
formal thank you.
Craig has a CW key to present as a gift.

Repeater committee:
Batteries need to be tested.
440 digital repeater is back in service.
Cap is postponing pole installation until after Shakespeare season is over.
Craig has some designs for the solar panel installation that he will send us so

Old Business
5) Fire Extinguisher:
Nothing new.
6) Vice president
Craig has asked on the email list, but there has been no interest.

New Business
7) Harassment policy:
Craig has suggested that we adopt a harassment policy to protect the club
and board members from liability.
David suggested that instead of attempting to amend the bylaws, we instead
adopt a code of conduct. He will send out a draft proposal.

8) KJ6FFP:
The registration for KJ6FFP has lapsed.
Bob Wiser has taken the lead in getting it back into coordinated status.
Vince will reach out to him to see what help the club can provide.

The Board of Directors’ Meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM
General Membership Meeting
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club will be held via Zoom video conference call on 15 July 2022