CAKE June 10, 2017


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CAKE cookery  June 10 2017

Arriving at our session a little before the appointed hour (10:00),Ron W6WO noted some cars with callsign  number plates but no friendly faces.This evidentally meant the DeAnza flea market was open for business. Very soon Bob K6XX, Don K6GHA, Reed N1WC. Peter K6UNO and Ward AE6TY showed up. Bob you may recall is our most sucessful scavenger and displayed the very fine vacuum variable capacitor rated at 10 KV, he had acquired. Reed mentioned finding a deal on a Pelican case.
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Don showed a map of his CW QSOs during a QRP event. With just 5Watts numerous contacts throughout Europe were logged and his best DX was Indonesia. Great job Don and welcome to the CW world. CoincidentallyBob was wearing a T shirt that recorded he and Ron won the cw vs texting contest at RadioFest quite some time back.
Ever wondered what other patrons of the Abbey could devine about us from overhearing our conversations ?  I recall today these ranged from travel in Tierra Del Fuego (Ward),WWII aircraft (all) fine cusine at Sutter Hospital (W6WO), Dealing with Wasp nests  (Bob, Don, Reed, Peter), some discussion on Non-reciprocal HF via the ionosphere, trouble shooting dense circuits. Names like 75A4, 51S1 and KWM2 were spoken reverently of as departed loved ones. We discussed reliable measurement of RF power and the AD 8307 logaritminc amplifier DC to 500MHz DC device, with careful construction.
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As the US may finally approve amateur operation on 630 and 2000 meters a question was what kind of antennas would we use ? not many dipoles at those frequencies !  However this could be an opportunity for us to prove world-wide communications at low power on these low freq bands. It is not beyond belief we could do so reliably using advanced digital modes of JT65 et al.  How wonderfully ironic that would be.   
 Ron mentioned the annual open-house and auction to be held at the California Antique Radio Museum in Alameda on July 22.   This is a great day out; if this is of interest contact W6WO
The next session on June 24 coincides with Field Day and it makes sense to cancel please assume so unless you hear otherwise.
161 (73+88) to one and all