Thank You for a Fun and Successful Swap Meet Saturday!
Many thanks to all who participated in Saturday’s Sep 25 Swap Meet at the parking lot Upper DeLaveaga Park. We had fewer vendors than the previous event, but they had amazing equipment and other items that made for a good day of sale, exchange and give-aways. The event was well-attended and really fun.
Also, thanks to all who gave a total of $91 in donations for refreshments. This money will be given 100% to help the operators in the CZU Fire areas recover.
The Fox Hunt was also a great success, with a marvelous maiden test of Mike’s (W6MLB) home-built fox finder, and mentors Harry (W6HPB) and Scott (WA6LIE) assisting Roberta (AJ6KN), Shawn (KG6WSW) and Mallory (KN6PHG) also find the Fox.
Watch for another possible Swap Meet in the same location next month!