SCCARC and SLVARC Members need for Field Day

QST  to all members of SCCARC and SLVARC clubs:

We are still in need of a Food Coordinator (or co-coordinators) for Field Day and
also a General Volunteer Coordinator and a Safety Officer.

Main Duties of the Food Coordinator would be to buy food either for Friday Evening
and/or for the Saturday Evening Pot Luck/Sunday Morning Brunch meals.  The clubs have
a budget so you won’t have to worry about paying for it.

The volunteer coordinator is needed to help lay out and replenish/store the food,
arrange tables and chairs, erect signage, set out warning tape on guy wires, antenna stakes,
etc. etc;

Safety Officer will be responsible for running down the ARRL FD Safety Checklist
and certifying that safety requirements were followed.

We also always need lots of willing hands during setup (Friday Noon-5pm) and Tear Down (Sunday 11-3PM).

Please contact myself or Richard K8SQB if you are willing to take one of the above leadership roles or if you are able to help in any way.  We’ll plug you into the overall team effort.

Jerry Lucha W6OJE
SCCARC Club President