POTA Oct 5, 2024

Parks on the Air – October 5

Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club is hosting a POTA (Parks-on-the-Air) event Saturday October 5th in the upper parking lot of Seacliff State Beach from 10:00 till 14:00, or till we run out of things to say. 

Everyone is invited. This is not just a POTA event. We will be testing our field set ups and experimenting with different equipment and protocols, including phone, CW and weak signal formats. Even if you don’t plan on operating, come by and see what we’re up to. Or, you can try to make a QSO with us. 

If you want to set up a station, please let Craig or me know so that we can have some coordination per modes, bands and antenna locations.

This is the first of hopefully regularly scheduled POTA play dates. We plan on doing this every first Saturday of the month, weather permitting.

Let’s play radio,
