Jim Tripp’s Antique Radio Museum
Visit to Jim Tripp’s Antique Radio Museum, April 3 2016
Jim WA6DIJ has a dream QTH in the Castroville countryside and he made us feel very welcome. Those taking part in this delightful visit were Linda K6GRL, Don AA6W, Rene K6XR plus Ron W6WO and XYL Jean. To label Jim as an avid collector wouldn’t do him justice as he clearly spends much of his time in restoring both the electronics and their, often elaborate, wooden cabinets-many have been restored to working order. What made the tour most interesting was Jim’s story behind each exhibit. Let the following pictures speak for themselves
Linda, Don and Jim discussing a fine point
1915 the very year the Santa Cruz Radio Club was formed
A direction finder from LF to HF
handsome home brew regenerative receiver enclosed in a shielded box to avoid external radiation. John Reinartz K6BJ (patented super-regen receivers) would be proud indeed
From Jim’s novelty section
How fortunate we are to have those like Jim who revere the past to which we all owe so much
For more insight I recommend that you visit his AntiqueRadioMuseum.org web site
Abundant thanks Jim
Ron W6WO