Celebrating a Century of SCCARC

Celebrating a Century of Amateur Radio in Santa Cruz

The following status report was presented to the Club Board on March 23.
Actions Taken and in progress

I am a member of a small group of club members that has been brainstorming ideas for activities aimed at promoting Ham Radio widely in the Region.  The group has identified the Museum of Art and History (MAH) as the best location for the primary event and a weekend date in September to be determined.  Funding is important and could limit the scope of our events but we are optimistic based on certain pledges received so far.

Tentative Details of Primary and Secondary Events

MAH would be where most activities will take place. Secondary activities can be organized elsewhere;  at the K6BJ HF and repeater stations, tour de shack, fox hunt, County Fair etc.
MAH includes several areas which we might use as follows

Main auditorium

A series of exhibits of radios in eras from the 1920s to the present day, including post WWII, Heathkit, Electraft, Open Source SDR, Makers and Raspberry Pi.

Vendors and individuals are permitted to bring and sell a moderate amount of items at these exhibits. SCCARC and ARRL could sell/raffle and souvenirs.

Board Room

Presentations and demos by Club members to show the scope of our activities ARES, Contesting, education, communication technologies and so on


Hands-on demos, live demos remote access, Echolink, Winsystem etc

Entrance/back patio

Demos and event dinner

This is an ambitious plan and the critical path items include

Confirming location and dates, engaging Radio Amateurs in the region , developing a web-site/ PR campaign and completing arrangements with participants.

The Board has indicated that they would welcome your comments, and offers of support would be greatly appreciated.
This is a unique opportunity to promote our hobby and have fun doing so. Step in and let’s get the show on the road.


Ron W6WO