Youth CW Academy Program

Youth CW Academy

The CWops club has added a new program to its popular CW Academy. For young people between 11 and 19 years old, there is a Youth CW Academy program focused on them. They learn in age-peer groups using the same method from CWA. The key advantage is they learn with other kids and are encouraged to get on HF CW and participate in contests and to ragchew with their age peers. CWops conducted two pilot semesters of YCWA and it works.

If you know someone in that age group who is interested in attaining CW skills and on-air competence, have them go to the regular CWA signup

There is a field for indicating age under 20 and another field for entering one’s age. If the under-20 field is asserted (“yes” reply), the application is automatically routed to YCWA for assignment. CWops is working very hard to keep CW vibrant. In 7 years, the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses have served over learners. Now, we are focused on increasing the number of younger CW operators and getting the increasing average age of hams to stop and begin going down from its current 60+ years.

If you have any questions, email me (

Rob K6RB