A Digital Field Day
A Digital Field Day
I’ve enjoyed running the Field Day Digital effort for the past few years.
The issue was getting N1MM to work smoothly with the digital modes programs. I achieved 70% sucess each year.
This year, I was determined to have the software running smoothly. I had a few days off. I read every article. Set up the software and tested it continuously. At a point, I set aside this effort to gather my field day supplies.
Before the field day event, WSJTX had an update. I thought this might be something to help with Field Day. The version went from 2.1 to version to 2.2.2.
At Field Day, Gary was “Running” and made some 30 contacts that logged well. I took over and tried search and pounce and the software crashed.
Six hours of field day op time was wasted finding a solution. Emails from across the country confirmed that WSJTX 2.2.2 was not “Ready for Prime Time”.
We used WSJTX with JT Alert to avoid dupes. Jason used his skills to run up nearly 400 contacts.
Originally, I blamed N1MM for our failure. In fact, it was the WSJTX update that caused the failure this year.
I have some angst over my continuing failures to get a smooth-running software suite . My problems were seen in other operations around the country.
In the field, I find that simple, robust hardware and software are the key to sucess. We have achieved this in our hardware. I will spend some time this year finding software solutions that are “Bomb Proof”.
I wish to thank Kerry for his organizational skills. Gary for his help setting up the station and running the station. I wish to give thanks to Jason for making the most out of our Digital effort , using makeshift software, assembled at the last moment.
Craig Harlamoff N6SBN EOF