Board Meeting, April 22, 2021

SCCARC Board Meeting, April 22, 2021
Call to order
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club (SCCARC) Board of
Directors was held via Zoom video conference call on 22 April 2021, and was called to order at
7:37 PM.
Board Members: David N6DTA; Richard K8SQB; Becky KI6TKB; Vince KM6YHE; Gary,
Others: Ron K6EXT; Cap KE6AFE
Board Members not in attendance Don, K6GHA (arrived at 8:00); Allen WB6RWU,
1) Check-in
2) Additions to agenda?
3) Approval of April 22, 2021 Minutes
4) Treasurer’s Report (Allen)
No report because Allen was not present.
5) Committee Reports
a) Field Day (Richard and Becky)
Trailer for Digital station secured
Trailer still needed for Satellite station
Becky has 6 man Tent for backup
Becky asked if we could borrow use the red cross communications trailer.
Roxy is setting up a Google Map so people can self-report where they are
b) Repeater (John)
John sent this email:
I regret that I will be unable to attend tonight’s board meeting as it conflicts with the ARES net
where I’m net control.
Here’s a summary of repeater status:
Cap and I met yesterday at the repeater site with a representative of Shakespeare Santa Cruz
who indicated their plans to move brush piles from the vicinity of the repeater shack.
Our UHF repeater malfunctioned early this month, continuously transmitting buzzing audio. I
investigated at the shack and could find no obvious cause. After I power-cycled the Yaesu DR-
1X repeater radio, normal operation resumed and the problem has not recurred. This UHF
repeater gets little usage, and I would appreciate everyone’s occasional monitoring of its
performance. Please notify me if the malfunction repeats.
c) ARES (John)
No report.
d) Website (Ron)
Richard has put some videos of past zoom meetings on Google Drive.
Becky will contact Dorothy to convert/upload to YouTube.
Ron wants to get a sample to make sure it will work.
Additional discussion on publishing the zoom links onto the web site.
e) Membership (Cap)
110 members 74 regular 14 family 25 lifetime.
3 new since the roster was emailed.
6) Field Day (Richard, Becky)
Covered in committee report
7) Club Meeting Location at Red Cross Update (Becky)
Red Cross stated that they do not plan to open building until middle of 2022
The board agreed that any indoor in-person meetings would require attendees
to be vaccinated. Outdoor activities would not require vaccinations, but instead
maintaining 6-foot distancing or masks if distancing is not maintained.
Becky will be sending an email to the mailing list to discuss whether,
where, and how in-person meetings will resume.
8) Club Foxhunt and Club Shack Tour July 17 (Becky)
Tentatively scheduled for July 17. Becky may not be available.
Will need someone else to lead Club shack tour (indoor)
Will also investigate swap meet/flea market
9) Club Repeater Batteries? (John)
Will discuss next month.
10) Solar Power for Repeater? (Dave S.)
Will discuss next month.
11) Big Piles of Flammable Material Near Club Repeater (Becky)
Cap & John had a discussion with Shakespeare Santa Cruz. Explained how the current
piles were not a good long term solution. The heard our concerns, but made no
commitments. The board agreed it would be wise to stand by until Shakespeare’s in-
person performances begin in July to see if the group will address the problem, now that
they are aware of our fire safety concerns. If the piles near the repeater station are not
addressed by then, we will contact Shakespeare again, because there will be an
increase in human activity in the area near the piles that would increase fire safety risks.
12) Reduction in Club Membership Dues (Cap’s proposal?)
This years dues ~$1900 our mandatory annual spending is ~$850 our current balance is
Proposal is to reduce the cost of dues to ease the burden on members and hopefully
increase membership
Concerns were raised about upcoming expenses and if we can fundraise for those.
A vote passed to change 2022 dues to $20 for individuals and $5 for each additional
family member.
13) Discussion of Digital Station (Craig)
Will discuss at next meeting
14) Membership Cards? (Becky, Richard)
Would give members a way to explain their presence at club facilities like the
club shack at DeLaveaga.
Will discuss further at our next meeting.
15) Board Bios for Website?
Gary’s is ready. David will be next.
16) Other?
17) Adjourn
The Board of Directors’ Meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM
General Membership Meeting
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club will be held via Zoom
video conference call on 18 June 2021, beginning at 7:30 PM.
Minutes by David, N6DTA