It’s Time to Renew SCCARC Membership
Your Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club has lowered the annual
membership dues for 2022! Hooray, hooray, another good reason to be an
active member again in 2022! Thank you for your support.
SCCARC Annual Dues
Full Member: $20.00
Family Members: $5.00 for each additional member at the same mailing
Annual Dues Payment due on January 1; memberships run through December
31. Payments received after December 1 shall be applied to the
following year.
Members over three months in arrears shall be considered inactive.
Dues and other payments may be made using PayPal or a credit card with the
“Donate” button at
or in cash or by check (payable to Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club)
at regular Club meetings,
or checks (payable to Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club) with
completed membership application forms may be mailed to:
Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club
PO BOX 238
SANTA CRUZ CA 95061-0238
If you have updated info for our roster, such as a new address or
telephone number, please let us know.
73, Cap KE6AFE