SCCARC February Zoom Meeting with WA6LIE
Don’t miss this month’s Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club meeting guest presentation by Scott Avery (WA6LIE) discussion of the Remote Hams technology!
The meeting is this Friday, February 18, and will begin at 7:30pm on Zoom (access information is forthcoming).
Here is what you can look forward to learning more about from Scott, one of the inventors and hosts of the Remote Ham program:
Amateurs everywhere now have the ability to experience this exciting hobby like never before. A monumental amount of research, engineering, and planning has gone into giving operators instant access to stations all over the globe. Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of a giant contest station with stacks and four-squares? How about working JA’s at sunset from your east-coast QTH? With RemoteHamRadio, you can do it all with a spin of the VFO and the click of a mouse.
There is a little of mis-information here.
The correct address is www.remotehams.com
I always say “with a S”
RemoteHams.com – Home
The other guys are trying to copy what we created, but charging a lot of money.
Again, if it isn’t FREE, it’s NOT RemoteHams.
Remoteham and RemoteHamRadio were 2 or the same at one point.
The difference is night and day, as we at RemoteHams.com are a “community”, or CoOp where everyone shares.
The other sites are “rent a radio” which requires $$$ to use whereas we are FREE!
Another point is that RemoteHams.com was the FIRST online remote base site set up back in 2005.
It is ALL volunteers and NOT commercial money interests with investors like on the other sites.
Our radios are all shared by volunteers, NOT by money hungry interests in renting radios.
So, we are not like the others, just offer a great community of Hams all around the world with big and little stations sharing.
Needed to clarify!
Thanks and 73,
Scott WA6LIE
Here is what radio operators are saying:
Brandon Hansen, KG6YPI, continues to make significant improvement to his www.RemoteHams.com remote radio service with the addition of a custom client installed on a users computer. Remotehams.com offers Internet-controlled receivers and transceivers from around the world, including transmit capability. The custom client includes VoIP capability eliminating the need for a service such as Skype for audio. It also includes such features as visual level displays of both receiver and transmit audio, easy selection of audio sources, and simple adjustment of audio levels. The audio quality on such remotes as that offered by Scott, WA6LIE in Salinas, California is excellent.
Beyond these features Brandon has done a superb job of creating a very attractive, easy-to-use radio interface that makes using these radios both simple and fun. It even includes capability to send and receive CW. I use WA6LIE’s radio on a regular basis from my home and find that it is almost like having his Elecraft K3 right on my desk here in Hong Kong.
Many thanks to Scott (WA6LIE) for sharing his time this Friday evening to help us learn more about this great locally-developed resource.