Board Meeting Feb 23, 2023

February 23, 2023 SCCARC Board Meeting

Call to Order

A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors was held on February 23rd on Zoom, called to order at 7:30


Board Members

Jerry    W6OJE

Richard K8SQB

Mike      W6MLB

Cap        KE6AFE

Ben       KN6NDM

Jim        KN6NCG


David    N6DTA


1       Jerry acting as chair

2       Roll call

3       Agenda approved

4       Minutes from January 26 meeting approved as sent on Feb 14

5       Treasurer’s report accepted, $200 paid for annual liability insurance, 7,392.67 in bank.

6       Committee reports, none

7       Old business

a      No new news on pole placement

b      Fire extinguishers, motion moved and seconded and approved to buy 2 new, one chemical and    

         one C02 , Cap ordered, will be placed in repeater shack.

c       Badges, 26 new ones 0n the way

d       Zoom account, Cap moved and Richard seconded and approved. New club Zoom account paid 

         one year, $149.90.

E       Net Control, Jerry to head up 

New Business

a       By laws or standing rules, tabled for now

b       No other items

Minutes Mike W6MLB