Board Meeting Mar 23, 3023

Call to Order

A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors was held on March 23 on Zoom.

1     Meeting opened by Mike at 7:34

2     roll call, Board Members,

Jerry       W6OJE

Richard   K8SQB

Mike       W6MLB

Cap        KE6AFE

Jim         KN6NCG

Ben        KN6NDM


David     N6DTA

Ron       K6EXT

3      Agenda approved

4      Board minutes from February 23 moved to be approved, seconded and approved unanimously

5      Cap’s treasurer’s report accepted, 127 members and 47 members not renewed yet

6     Club requirements,

               CAFTB                                       Done

               Liability Insurance  $200.00   Done

               PO BOX  $176                            Done

               IRS  990-n                                   Done

7     Old Business


               b    antenna pole, nothing new

               c     New Fire extinguishers in the shack, $297.16  including tax.

               d     25 new badges to hand out, still have 7 from last month

               e     Club’s Zoom account, Richard to take over. Members may be invited to attend if they ask a board member    

                      for  Zoom access

               f     Monday night Net Control, to ask Becky to head up a Net Control Committee

8     New Business

               a     In person meeting, too be discussed on next club meeting

               b     Speakers for meetings, Richard working on it

c     Swap meets and get togethers and monthly show and tell, at next club meeting, with a questionnaire to be      

      put  on the reflector

d     Discussion on use of reflector for club and non club activities

e     Cake discussed, Richard trying it get it back up, weather permitting.

Meeting adjourned          at 9:00

Minutes Mike W6MLB