Club Meeting Info
SCCARC Monthly club meets the third Friday of each month at 7:30 pm. We also host the traditional zoom meeting at the same time.
Location: La Posada Retirement Community Lounge
609 Frederick St.
Santa Cruz, CA
The entrance is on Frederick Street between Gault and Hanover.
Visitor Parking spaces inside the facility are few but there is
usually adequate on-street parking on Frederick or Gault. Also
the medical facility directly across the street will be empty
Friday evenings and that would be a possibility. Please do not
park in La Posada resident spaces as you could get blocked in by
the assignee and have no way of leaving after the meeting.
We will have a greeter at the entrance and are asked to sign in on
a sign-in sheet once you get into the meeting room.
Below is a map showing the entrance and parking possibilities.

Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club K6BJ is inviting you to a
scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 2889 9447
Passcode: dRRy7h
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,89028899447#,,,,*776950# US
+17193594580,,89028899447#,,,,*776950# US