Repeaters- old 2/20/24
Selected Repeater Policies for SCCARC Repeaters.
Repeater Frequencies
Santa Cruz County
K6BJ 146.790- PL 94.8 Santa Cruz (linked to KJ6FFP) K6BJ 2-Meter Repeater User Control Codes FM analog, Dstar, Fusion, P-25, DMR
KJ6FFP 147.945- PL 94.8 Watsonville (linked to K6BJ)
K6BJ 440.925+ PL 123.0 Santa Cruz (not linked) ”MMDVM Repeater for DStar, Fusion, P25”
Santa Cruz D-STAR Repeater. 441.675 +5MHz
San Lorenzo Valley
WR6AOK 147.120+ PL 94.8 Ben Lomond
Loma Prieta AB6VS 440.550+ / AE6KE 146.835- PL 94.8 (linked for net)
Monterey County
K6LY 146.97- PL 94.8 / 444.700+ PL123 (linked for net) Monterey
LPRC WR6ABD 146.640- PL 162.2 / 442.900+ PL 162.2 (