New SCCARC. Board Members
Please allow me to congratulate our club officers for the 2024-2025 year.
We had a solid quorum with 11 in person voters and at least 20 attending on zoom.
The result was by acclamation with all votes “for all of the above candidates”.
With the exception of Rich, W6RGC, who will be remaining on the board for his second year as our Treasurer, I plan to install the new officers at our holiday party on December 18th. They will serve from then until Mid December 2025.
President Ben KN6NDM
Vice President Jim KN6NCG
Secretary Lisa KN6IAB
Treasurer Rich W6RCG (2nd year)
At-large Board Andrew KM6YDJ
At-large Board Martin KN6GWQ
We are lucky to have the above members willing, able and well qualified
to guide our club affairs in the coming year. So, please join me in thanking them for their willingness to serve. And I know you will support them in their work.
73, Jerry Lucha W6OJE
SCCARC outgoing president