Happy New Year
HAPPY NEW YEAR It has taken awhile for me to get used to holding the PTT reins of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club, but I am honored that you would re-elect me for my second and final year …
HAPPY NEW YEAR It has taken awhile for me to get used to holding the PTT reins of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club, but I am honored that you would re-elect me for my second and final year …
FEBRUARY MEETING GUEST SPEAKER: ARRL Pacific Division Director Kristen McIntyre (K6WX) Mark you calendar now: Friday, February 19 at 7:30pm. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet Ms. Kristen McIntyre (K6WX), our ARRL Pacific Division Director and learn the latest …
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo LOS ANGELES – QSO Today host Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, announced that the next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will commence on March 13-14, 2021, over a period of 48 hours. The first QSO Today Expo …
How to prevent ESD damage By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU Here are some tips from Keysight Technologies, one of the leading electronic test equipment companies, on how to prevent ESD from damaging your electronics. …