Board Minutes Feb. 25, 2021

Call to order
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club (SCCARC) Board of
Directors was held via Zoom video conference call on 25 Feb 2021, and was called to order at
7:32 PM.
Board Members: Allen WB6RWU, David N6DTA; Richard K8SQB; Becky KI6TKB; Vince


Others: Ron K6EXT; Scott KE6QCJ; Bill AJ6CQ
Board Members not in attendance Don, K6GHA; Gary, K6PDL
November 5th BOD regular meeting minutes approved.
November 20th special BOD meeting minutes approved.
January 7th special BOD meeting minutes approved.
Committee Reports
Treasurer — Allen

reported balance approximately $3090
No invoices received so far in 2021.

Membership —
No report
Question came up if all members of a family receive badges. Will discuss
at a future meeting
Repeater — Vince & Bill

New control codes for repeater/auto-patch/IRLP/echolink are in place, but
additional testing is still desired. John and Bill will do this testing when
time allows.
Investigating anomaly which caused dropped audio for IRLP

Website & Newsletter — Ron

New link on home page linking to membership application.
Wants a list of new members so that we can add a welcome message.
Becky will work on rewrite the membership information section to make it
clearer or more inviting to new members.
Discussion of publishing zoom link again… We’re going to try it for March
meeting to see if it makes things easier or allows for disruption.
Becky will have a followup article on fire evacuation.
Becky will be asking board members to write short intros for web site.
(see new business)
e-mail reflector — David

133 users, 279 topics 894 messages in 16m This is an average of about
17 topics/month or 2 messages/day

Emergency services —
No Report

Programs — Richard

Richard is looking for a speaker on antennas. Also discussing with
organizer of Baycon for speakers/topics.
Ed Fong is believed to be scheduled for July, may move to August so as
not to conflict with Field day report.
Becky will ask Chris to call David about publishing poll on topics.

Repeater I/O Panel —

postponed to next meeting.

Club Badges —Don

he could not attend the meeting but here is his report:
1) I’ll pull together a list of folks and confirm it
with Becky and Allen before I have them made up.
2) Do we want to send out another notification to club
members who may have lost their badge and offer them a
replacement at $15 to cover shipping?
3) Also I’d to put into the minutes a thank you to John
N6QX for his support of the General Class License Exam
class. I had a great time presenting a very short
overview of contesting and was really pleased with the
response and enthusiasm.

Planning on ordering new badges at end of March.
Becky will send email to reflector to ask members who want replacement badges to send
payment before our next order
Field Day 2021 — Becky, Scott

Kerry KE3RRY will not be able to lead field day efforts.
Becky has not been in contact with SLV club yet. Richard will attend their
March meeting and will discuss planning for this year event.
The vineyard has invited us to return, and this seems the best option.
Last years expenses were ~$360 split between the two clubs.
Becky will contact providers of portable toilets.
A tentative budget of $200 was approved.
Tentative date for planning Friday 12 March 7:30PM
Richard will set up the zoom meeting.

New Comm 2 Van —

postponed to next meeting.
Officer bios (2) for March Newsletter
Richard and Vince volunteered.

Club Meeting Issues

Will reach out to Carl about continuing his Zoom subscription.
If he is not willing to donate further, The club would need to spend

approximately $15/month or $150/yr to continue starting in May.
The Board of Directors’ Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM
General Membership Meeting
A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club will be held via Zoom

video conference call on 19 March 2021, beginning at 7:30 PM.

Minutes by David, N6DTA