Are you or any of the Ham Radio Workbench gang a prospective speaker?
Our May 21st Zoom meeting will begin at 7:30 PM. Our guest speaker will be George KJ6VU on the topic of projects from the ham radio workbench.

George, KJ6VU, has been a ham since 1972 when he was first licensed as WN6CMM. George is the co-host of the Ham Radio Workbench podcast, the designer of several projects featured on the show and commercial ham radio products including the PackTenna line of portable antennas and the Sierra Radio Systems linking repeater controllers. George’s favorite operating activities are Field Day and portable operating in general. He is the founder of the BayNet Amateur Radio Club and trustee for their analog and digital repeater systems and host of the annual BayCon BayNet Radio Conference. George has spent his career in the semiconductor and enterprise software world and lives with his wife Carol in San Jose and wishes he was better at CW.
Link to his interview on the QSO Today podcast: https://www.qsotoday.com/ podcasts/kj6vu