Lowered Annual Membership Dues for 2022
Your Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club has lowered the annual membership
dues for 2022! Hooray, hooray, another good reason to be an active member
again in 2022!”As defined in the Bylaws, Article III Section 3, the annual dues shall be
set by the Board of Directors. The dues structure which follows was adopted
by the Board at its meeting on April 22, 2021.Annual Dues, beginning 2022Full Member $20.00
Family Members $5.00 (for each additional member at the same address)
dues for 2022! Hooray, hooray, another good reason to be an active member
again in 2022!”As defined in the Bylaws, Article III Section 3, the annual dues shall be
set by the Board of Directors. The dues structure which follows was adopted
by the Board at its meeting on April 22, 2021.Annual Dues, beginning 2022Full Member $20.00
Family Members $5.00 (for each additional member at the same address)
Dues for new, first time members (not renewals) shall be pro-rated after
April 1 of each year, as follows:
( Reduced 25% between April 1 and June 30
( Reduced 50% between July 1 and September 30
( Reduced 75% between October 1 and December 1
After December 1, full payment shall be required, and dues shall be applied
to the following yea.