Club Meeting Oct 2021

Jeff AE6KS was the Presenter for the Oct 2021 Club Meeting
Our October guest speaker was Jeff Liebermann on the topics of ADS-B (aircraft tracking) and AIS (ship tracking) using affordable at home setups, along with resources to view tracked results.
Jeff’s Biography
After graduating with a BSEE from Cal Poly Pomona in 1971, I did 2way radio repair for
Pacific Mobile Comm and other small radio shops. I then went to Alpha Electronics to
design 2way radio accessories. In 1973, I worked for Standard Communication (now
part of Yeasu) on radio accessories. I then moved to Santa Clara where I worked for
Intech designing HF/VHF/UHF marine radios. In 1981, I went to Granger Assoc to work
on a 900MHz SCADA system. In 1984, I went back to Intech to help design HF driver
and power amplifiers. In 1984, I continued to work as an RF design consultant, and
started doing computer repair out various offices in Santa Cruz. I officially retired in Dec
During much of my career, I was involved in various aspects of ham radio under call
signs WB6EEP, WB6SSY, and AE6KS. I’ve built and helped build VHF/UHF repeaters,
designed antennas, and repaired radios. Some of these can be found on my web site