Planning Ahead for SCCARC Holiday Gathering and Officer Installation
Greetings, All,
Last week, your Board discussed options for the Club’s traditional December Holiday Gathering and installation of new Club officers. We decided that having an outdoor gathering at Anna Jean Cummings Park in Soquel Village, under the cover of the pavilions would work for safe gathering space, and ask that people brng their own food. We can also have a project show-and-tell session.
We chose the date of Sunday, December 19, 11am – 2pm.
However, I was unable to reserve the pavilion at the County Parks Office for the hourly $20/hour rate this early. I will not be able to reserve the space until after Thanksgiving.
So, if you are interested in attending this open-air gathering, please keep this date and time open. The alternate date will be Saturday, December 18, 11am-2pm.
If you have other suggestions, please let me know.
73, Becky KI6TKB