The New 2022 SCCARC Board of Directors
Congratulatons to the new Radio Club officers, elected at tonight’s meeting. We had 23 Club members voting, which exceeded the required 15% quorum of the Club’s membership of 117.
Here are your new Club Board members:
President: Craig Harlamoff (N6SBN)
Vice-President: Shawn Rudnick (N7OTA)
Secretary: David Dean (N6DTA)
Treasurer: Cap Pennell (KE6AFE)
Members-at-Large: Vince Grimaldi (KM6YHE)
Gary Watson (K6PDL)
President Ex-Officio: Becky Steinbruner (KI6TKB)
Many thanks to the three outgoing officers for their service to the Club:
Vice-President Richard Adams (K8SQB)
Treasurer Allen Fugelseth (WB6RWU)
Pres. Ex-Officio Don Taylor (K6GHA)