Chatter Dec 2015
Good news! 40 meters seems to be doing well at 0800 daily. The Baja Maritime Mobile Net is booming in. For the past two years, the maritime weather report has been “no rain.” Now that has changed, somewhat. To tell the difference, my hillside outside my shack is now green. I had better warm up my weed trimmer and lawn mower as Spring will be here soon. This coming year I hope to get rid of fire hazards before the undergrowth reaches knee high.
Am looking forward to our club Christmas luncheon tomorrow. We should have a good turnout. Tom, K6TG, has been calling everyone personally asking for RSVPs. We will be casting our votes for club officers, an important duty for SCCARC members. Tom and others have worked hard to put the annual party on so we hope that all members who can attend, attend.
Our last club meeting was the final time we will be meeting in the conference rooms of Dominican Hospital, at least in the foreseeable future. Their conference rooms will be converted to supply rooms or for some other purpose. According to Bruce, AC6DN, arrangements have been made for future SCCARC meetings to be held at the Red Cross building.
If you haven’t been grounding your antennas recently, it is not too late. Winter storms approach and lightning strikes can be devastating to ham gear.
Happy hamming to all for 2016!