Board Meeting 9/28/23

A regular monthly meeting of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club Boardof Directors was held on Thursday September 28th at 7:30 on  Zoom.

1- Meeting opened at 7:31

2-  Roll call

Jerry      W6OJE

Mike      W6MLB

Cap        AE6AFE

Ben        KN6NDM

Jim         KN6NCG

Martin   KN6GWQ

Rich       W6RGC

 3- Agenda Approved Unanimously

 4- August 24th Board Meeting Minutes Approved Unanimously

5- Treasurer’s Report, no activity, but $83 in the PayPal account and $4,845.55 in the club. Account, for a total of $4,968.55. No outstanding bills. Treasurer’s report accepted with Gratitude.

6- Repeater Discussion, talk of the “new Watsonville” repeater caused a snag in the Monday night Net as Bob K6RMW has the Watsonville Link for K6BJ. Martin’s repeater is his own.

7- New Banner, Cap AE6AFE got a banner through Amazon, everyone liked it.

8- Nominating committee, Ben, Mike and Cap to assist. Rich to volunteer for treasurer. Ben, Jim, Mike to stay, Jerry could. We need a Vice President.

9- Speaker for October 20th TBD.

10- Talk about the uses of the 70-centimeter repeater.

11- Meeting closed at 8:13.

Minutes by Mike W6MLB